
Resource: http://www.upn.gov.sk/sk/sestra-zdenka-schelingova-1916-1955/
„When I was in the hospital in Bratislava, a patient was brought to the department. He was confused, beaten up, and I really could not understand what had happened to this man. But when I saw the police guard, I imagined that this was an investigation. So I cared for him, treated his wounds, washed him, changed his clothes and was very curious about who he was. And in an unguarded moment, he told me: “I am a priest.“ Well, it was like lightning for me, I was struck. So I realized, that he was a priest who was in pre-trial custody and he was so beaten that he was brought to the hospital. And I was thinking about how Ishould help him, what was I to do. What should I do for him? What could I do for him? And when he was there for two days and the commander of the guard said: “Prepare the prisoner, he is going for the transport and we are driving him away tomorrow.“ Then I realized, that the man was going back to the pre-trial custody; that meant more beatings, interrogations and I wanted to help him.“
So she made a decision and acted. Of course, in the meantime, she prepared people who could help her, because she could not do it herself. And so in that last evening, she gave a sleeping pill to the commander who guarded him. Naturally he fell asleep. In the meantime, she had prepared people, who came and took the prisoner. Yes, and in the morning, when the commander woke up, the prisoner was not there – there was a great sensation. Of course, the whole hospital was overrun, the examiners´ cars arrived, and all nurses were forced into one room. There was investigation, and of course the biggest was of sister Zdenka, because she was on duty in the evening, she was nursing the prisoner. So she said: “I realized that now it was my turn. As far as I could, I ran to the chapel and knelt down before the Cross, before the Crucified, and I asked him: ‘Lord, please, save this priest, save his life and I give you my life for his , take it.‘ So, of course, in a little while the policemen came and she was arrested and imprisoned.“