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Sister Zdenka, from the Congregation of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, was born around midnight on December 24, 1916 in Krivá in Orava, the mountainous region of northeastern Slovakia. Her family name was Cecília Schelingová. Cecilia attended the local elementary school in the village for 8 years from 1922 to 1930. On July 6, 1931,she joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross in Podunajské Biskupice as a candidate. After years of formation, she made first vows on January 30, 1937. She began working in Bratislava in the Government Hospital in the radiology department. In 1941 – 1942, she worked as a nurse in the Regional Hospital in Humenné. From 1942 until February 29, 1952, she worked in the Government Hospital in Bratislava on Miczkiewiczova Street as a laboratory assistant. On January28, 1943, she made her final vows...


Srdce mi drásalo od žiaľu, keď som sa v máji rozprávala s tri a pol ročným vnúčikom a on nie a nie vysloviť prvé hlásky vety.
Predpokladala sa , že to bude normálna operácia. Ale keď jej lekári otvorili brucho, zistili, že hrubé črevo, vaječník a maternica boli zrastené do jedného zhluku.