
My cousin lives in Colorado Springs. At Christmas, she wrote me about her friend´s 62 year old husband,who suffered from cancer of the large intestine for about four years. In spite of everything, the cancer spread to his pancreas and liver. At the end of November, when he had lost nearly half of his body weight, his family was told that he was dying and doctors could do nothing for him. He wanted to die at home and so his wife took him home and she asked for help from the hospice. He was on morphium and suffered from acute pain. My cousin, along with his wife, prayed fervently to God through the intercession of blessed Zdenka. After a week, he began to eat; and at the end of December, his pain disappeared. He gained back almost all of the weight he had lost, and it can be said that now he lives a normal life. He can travel, do the shopping, he can get up by himself. His doctors say that there is no earthly explanation for this reversal.
Margaret Van Lierde